
Hi it’s Lieke (it’s been Lieke pretty much every time because Téa’s lazy) — I’m not sure why I suddenly remembered this but I wanted to share something.

You can see the menu thing above, right? The one with ”Research Question” and stuff like that? If you hoover your mouse over some of the headings, they’ll automatically get categorised into different ”subheadings”, yeah?

(If I’m not making sense (which can be excused due to the fact that it’s currently exactly 00:00 (make a wish!) and I got 3 hours of sleep last night and had a long day at school), the heading ”Let’s Get Personal” divides itself into ”About us” and ”Diary”. That’s what I mean).

Three brackets, that’s cool. Intense.

Anyways, we did this to make the blog a bit more organised and allow you to access posts in a quicker and easier way. However, you can also click on the headings provided in the menu box itself to find information and posts


For example, if you click on the ”How To:” heading itself, you’ll be redirected to a page explaining how you can change your habits and live a healthy life. Or if you click on the ”Let’s Get Personal” heading, you’ll get the opportunity to read our answers to ‘personal questions’, which is obviously something you don’t want to miss. Etc., etc.

This just popped into my head while I was checking Facebook and an old picture from Bulgaria caught my eye, and I thought about the blog. I’m just such a good person that I didn’t want you to miss out, you know?


Okay I haven’t included this in the diary because I’m not exactly sure on which day it happened, but it was pretty near the beginning of the entire exchange. Meaning I just met Téa and it was still kind of awkward (the first two days) — we were on our phones a lot and we did talk, don’t get me wrong, but it was all small talk. The laughing and oversharing came at day 3, I believe. So you should picture us, sitting on the seperate beds in Téa’s room, phones in our hand and both still a bit shy.

So I decided one day to go brush my teeth or take a shower or whatever – bottom line I had to go to the bathroom – which was located downstairs. As a perfect guest, I asked if it was okay if I went down there to use the bathroom, because I’m obviously a very polite person, and of course Téa said ”yes”. I don’t think you can actually say ”no” to that question, because that’s just rude, but that’s not the point. So I was like ”okay cool, thanks” and I walked out the room.

To quickly break the ”crime scene” down to you, so you can understand what the area looked like and how this came to occur: when you walk out of Téa’s bedroom, the stairs are like one or two steps from the doorframe, so it’s pretty close. You don’t have to run a marathon to get there, basically.

I was pretty new to the house and it was in the evening. Téa’s sister was asleep and her parents were downstairs, so the lights were on, but not all of them, so the area wasn’t lit in the brightest fashion. However, you could still clearly see where you were going. I think they did that for me — leaving the lights on, I mean, because I obviously hadn’t memorised the lay-out of the house yet.

However, Téa and her family didn’t count on the fact that I’m a blind idiot.

So I walk out of that room, in my usual happy-go-lucky way, with bathroom stuff (a towel or a little bag with things like toothpaste and a toothbrush, I don’t remember) in my arms, and I half-closed the door because I’m that kind of person — sorry mum –, which basically meant that I closed the door but didn’t shut it, you know?


This is what I meant, this is how I left the door

Anyways, I did that with one hand, as the other hand was holding the bathroom ”stuff”. I didn’t want to wake people up or disturb someone so I was checking if I wasn’t slamming the door — basically looking over my shoulder whether or not I was satisfied with the speed of the ”door closure”. But I did that whilst moving forward, and as you probably remember, there wasn’t a lot of space between the door and the stairs. Well, the thing is, I didn’t remember that.


I didn’t fall down the whole thing, just a couple of steps, but obviously Téa heard and came to look. I was embarrassed, because she barely knew me and her first ”real” impression of me was that I’m a damn idiot.

But it was okay because we both had to laugh. I’m just clumsy in general anyways: when we walked to school, like we did most of the time (sometimes we took a cab because we’re both horribly slow and if we didn’t, we’d be late to everything), and I tripped over literally every loose tile that’s in Stara Zagora. I’m used to straight, Dutch pavements, not bumpy pavements with tree roots growing underneath them (shady, I know). It kind of became my thing there, tripping.

This was the tale of how to not impress your exchange partner and how to be a stupid idiot. Thanks for not laughing at me.

Byeeee ❤

(Téa, if you’re reading this, I miss youuuu).

(We’re still in touch with one another and talk via Whatsapp, but it’s not the same).

(Come visit me please).

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